Only getting easy tasks


I’ve been doing Kodekloud-engineer for a bit now. I’ve had 21 tasks. Every task I’ve been given so far has been 200 points - the lowest possible. I finish them all in less than 15 minutes and almost all of them quickly. I’ve been waiting to get some more difficult tasks. Is this normal behavior? I figured I would have gotten at least one task that was more difficult by now. Just was kind of hoping to mix some in there.

Also I haven’t ever gotten an email about tasks being assigned. I have the box checked and everything. I even tried trouble shooting it a bit.

Love this platform still, just want to help make it better.

Don’t worry, you’ll get soon get challenging tasks. Let me forewarn you that easy is a relative term. What’s easy to you may be challenging to others and vice versa. You can check out the ‘Review’ link on the left side to see what other types of tasks others are getting. You can even start ‘doing’ challenging tasks by participating in the reviews and helping others.

Good luck learning!