How to get rid of such entries in fieldsV1 while exporting (-o yaml ) existing r . . .

Pratik Patel:
How to get rid of such entries in fieldsV1 while exporting (-o yaml ) existing resource to yaml ?
| grep -v “f:” working but any hint for these entries ?
Screen Shot 2021-01-26 at 20.51.59.png


Pratik Patel:
@Francesco does that work while exporting existing resource ?

Hello, @Pratik Patel
There is no such way except you mentioned by grep command. I think we can do it with third party tools but that’s not allowed in the official exam.

Sorry @Tej_Singh_Rana just to better understanding.
The command --dry-run=client is allowed during the exam?

Mohamed Ayman:
Yes, Its allowed.

Mohamed Ayman:
But using --dry-run=client will not get rid of such entries, you can only exclude using grep command.