Hi Guys, I just joined kodekloud and doing the kubernetes for beginners course. . . .

Avinash Chekkilla:
Hi Guys, I just joined kodekloud and doing the kubernetes for beginners course. As part of the minikube setup, i was able to deploy kubectl create deployment hello-minikube --image=http://k8s.gcr.io/echoserver:1.4|k8s.gcr.io/echoserver:1.4 this hello-minikube service when running minikube service hello-minikube i couldnt reach the information when the browser opens. OS: Mac

Avinash Chekkilla:
@Mumshad Mannambeth not sure if your the right person to tag for this question. Otherwise could you connect me someone who is on support for this week to ask queries in this group

Avinash Chekkilla:
Hi @Mumshad Mannambeth, i understand you might be busy, could you redirect me to someone who can answer the question please

Mumshad Mannambeth:
Hi @Avinash Chekkilla Apologies for the delay. Can you share more details about your setup? Have you created a service to expose the deployment? What port is the service exposed on? And how exactly are you trying to reach the service? Is it through a browser?

Avinash Chekkilla:
Yes, i created a service using kubectl expose deployment hello-minikube --type=NodePort --port=8080 as part of the kodekloud course, and after that couldnt access it via the browser