Hello All, I'm facing issues while building *jsonpath query*, for instance if I . . .

srikanth arani:
Hello All,
I’m facing issues while building jsonpath query, for instance if I do kubectl get nodes -o json the output is so overwhelming that terminal doesn’t show complete output.
With relatively smaller files the job is fairly easy, but as files get’s bigger it’s getting challenging. Any tips & tricks is really appreciated.
@Mohamed Ayman @Tej_Singh_Rana @Fernando Jimenez <#CHMV3P9NV|certified-kub-admin>

If I were you I would get a specific node like k get nodes nodeX -o json

srikanth arani:
I need to prefix it with .items[*] if I want to get it for all NODES?

yes - .items.* works as well:
k get nodes -o=jsonpath=*'{.items.*.status.nodeInfo.architecture}'*