Why is this toleration not working on the bee pod? Mega confused I have it neste . . .

Adam Wilkinson:
Why is this toleration not working on the bee pod? Mega confused I have it nested under the spec…

Memo Toro:
Make sure you delete the pod and recreate it. It seems the pod doesn’t have the toleration config.

Adam Wilkinson:
@Memo Toro have deleted it and recreated from file several times but get same message

Adam Wilkinson:
**edit still broken same error

Hello, @Adam Wilkinson
I checked and bee pod is running.

controlplane $ kubectl get po
bee        1/1     Running   0          9s
mosquito   0/1     Pending   0          113s
controlplane $ ls
go  nine.yaml
controlplane $ cat nine.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: bee
  - key: spray
    value: mortein
    effect: NoSchedule
    operator: Equal
  - image: nginx
    name: bee

mohammed iqbal:
give a try with double quote

mohammed iqbal:

- key: "key1"
  operator: "Equal"
  value: "value1"

Adam Wilkinson:
Still not working guys even with double quotes. Anyone any other ideas this is really bugging me :tired_face:


Adam Wilkinson:
Hi @Tej_Singh_Rana! Have just tried your config file and still getting exact same issue (I deleted the bee pod before creating it again with the new config) . is there a bug in this lab or is it me doing something wrong?


Hello, @Adam Wilkinson
I will check and let you know.

Adam Wilkinson:
@Tej_Singh_Rana very much appreciated


I had the same problem today, I enclosed in double quotes in the same labs, but it did not work. Furthermore, the solutions video does not use double quotes. But the kubernetes doc and the lesson video before the labs do use double quotes. So I suppose the double quotes are mandatory. Could you confirm it ?

Hi @stephane.hordoir,
Double quotes are okay and it should work in our lab. Can you please share the lab name or URL?
I will take a look into it.



I got confused , in the mock exam2, Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) | KodeKloud, the seconde exercise, in the correction, there is no double quote. But in the documentation there is double quote. Furthermore, the operator “Equal” is missing.

Note: on a more general note, it is quite confusing in the documentation where the double quotes are required or not, is there a means to troubleshoot that ?