While upgrading control plane, is it required to manually upgrade CNI provider p . . .

while upgrading control plane, is it required to manually upgrade CNI provider plugin? As per k8s doc https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubeadm/kubeadm-upgrade/ but in lab with out this step cluster upgrade successful @Tej_Singh_Rana please clarify

Hello, @Raj
I don’t think so It’s necessary to upgrade CNI provider plugin.
If it’s then we have to follow their own instructions and in the exam you can’t open external site.
As per the upgrade guidelines:
> Manually upgrade your CNI provider plugin.
> Your Container Network Interface (CNI) provider may have its own upgrade instructions to follow. Check the https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/addons/|addons page to find your CNI provider and see whether additional upgrade steps are required.
> This step is not required on additional control plane nodes if the CNI provider runs as a DaemonSet.

Thanks @Tej_Singh_Rana