When I just save and do nothing ,it doesn't deploy ,I tried saving the yaml to t . . .

Puneet Khanna:
When I just save and do nothing ,it doesn’t deploy ,I tried saving the yaml to test.yaml and said kubectl apply -f <new yaml> it said operation cannot be fulfilled on replicaset : the object has been modified : please apply chnahes to the latest version and try again

Puneet Khanna:
I had to delete the existing pods /replicaset and then recreate with the changes yaml

Puneet Khanna:
But can’t this be done on the fly for replicaset ?

Puneet Khanna:
May be there was a deplay but that worked

Puneet Khanna:

you can always use this : kubectl replace --force -f <rs.yaml>

Puneet Khanna:
Thank you ,will test this