When editing kube-api server,etcd manifests files, : • If its invalid for any re . . .

dharmaraj upase:
When editing kube-api server,etcd manifests files, :
• If its invalid for any reason, like volume mounts missing, invalid yaml syntax, pod dosent get created.
• how do check if yaml has issues because if its wrong pod wont get created.
• docker logs <Container_ID> for recently exiting containers shows: “Container doesnt exist.”
• sometimes, if yaml itself has issues, it wont show up in docker ps -a

Sathish Puranik:
If there are any issues with yaml files you can always look into the log file for kube api server which is present in /var/log/kube-api-* it will have exact details on what is causing for the kube-api failure…

Sathish Puranik:
You can refer more on this here https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug-application-cluster/debug-cluster/|https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug-application-cluster/debug-cluster/ for any trouble shooting your cluster.

dharmaraj upase:
is it true for kubeadm based setups? I dont see any logs under /var/log/

Sathish Puranik:
I am able to see inside /var/log/containers/ folder… Same Kubeadm setup.

dharmaraj upase:
we can see this by docker ps -a as well,

but that doesnt show for exited containers.

existed due to invalid yamls

in a kubeadm environment, if the kubelet can’t start the kube-apiserver pod because of an error/problem in the yaml in the /etc/kubernetes/manifests folder, it will often show in the kubelet log
journalctl -u kubelet