What is the base Operating System used by the `python:3.6` image? If required, r . . .

Pankaj Kumar:
What is the base Operating System used by the python:3.6 image?
If required, run an instance of the image to figure it out.

How to approach for this problem??
I tried running the image (docker run python:3.6) but it did not print anything.
Also I tried doing image inspect but could not figure it out.

Vitor Jr.:
Run a temporary instance with this image then execute cat /etc/*release inside the pod, like this:

k run tmp --image=python:3.6
k exec -it tmp -- cat /etc/*release

Vitor Jr.:
You can also run in one command only and automatically remove the pod after the execution:

Pankaj Kumar:
Actually that lab does not have kubectl installed. Will have to do the same with docker command @Vitor Jr.

Vitor Jr.:
Which lab is this one?

Vitor Jr.:
Found it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Pankaj Kumar:
Thanks @Vitor Jr. :slightly_smiling_face: