What exactly are "endpoints" on Kubernetes? It is just the indicador that I am c . . .

Edith Puclla:
What exactly are “endpoints” on Kubernetes? It is just the indicador that I am connecting well a pod and an service?
is this always representing by an IP? …is it not an Kubernetes resource? :sauropod:

Edith Puclla:
I can’t get this concept: “An endpoint is an object that gets IP addresses of individual pods assigned to it. The endpoint object is then in turn referenced by a kubernetes service, so that the service has a record of the internal IPs of pods in order to be able to communicate with them”

chris resnik:
in most cases, the end point is a pod

chris resnik:
same as a host in the old world

chris resnik:
the service keeps track of where to send traffic to, these are the endpoints

Edith Puclla:
here, what could be my endpoints? :slightly_smiling_face:


service endpoints are the pods were service forwards requests