*VIM TIP* if you are an avid Vim user and use it extensively, here is a small t . . .


if you are an avid Vim user and use it extensively, here is a small tip. You can’t use the following two settings at the same time:

expandtab (replaces tabs with spaces - needed for easier YAML editing)
paste (pastes text without trying to modify it / interpret it. You almost always want this when you copy text into Vim)
so if you are editing YAML files, make sure to:

:set nopaste

before editing it you have paste set in your ~/.vimrc

this is actually a common mistake and I found that even the lab environment for this course does this (they have both expandtab + paste set so if you use <TAB>s, it does not convert them to spaces)

Thanks @OE it is really helpful, when ever i copy the text and paste it can not make the format of the contain. i have to edit it manually. unnecessary waste of time.