Unable to ssh into the app servers

@kodecloud @Inderpreet Unable to ssh into the app servers
getting permission denied error

Hi @TharunTeja4676

Can you please share your command you are using to SSH.

ssh [email protected] and [email protected]

if you experience difficulty due to lagging or an unfamiliar error, kindly reload the session.

Are you seeing any errors ? Also please make sure to use correct credentials as per

First time unable to ssh any app server, restarted the session then able to login into the app server 1 but not 2 and 3.

I’m using the valid uername and password combination, but don’t know why I’m getting the error.

Can you please share the task name you are working on ?

IPtables Installation And Configuration

if it works for app1 and fails for the other app server, kindly share a screenshot, i am sure @Inderpreet would help if it’s technical.

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Is there any update on this issue

It seems to be working fine on our end, could you please share the screenshots of errors also the exact steps you are following.