Today I passed the CKA exam. Thanks for the awsome course @Mumshad Mannambeth, A . . .

Today I passed the CKA exam. Thanks for the awsome course @Mumshad Mannambeth, Also to @Mohamed Ayman, he always supporting to the folks in numerous ways.

Just few comments from me:

• I could only score 70 marks. In fact, I didn’t do 3 questions, even I stopped reading them as I felt they are difficult for me or would take much time. Hence, i skipped them and continued to other questions. 1 question, I couldn’t completed, as the time got ended. However, I could nailed the exam with 70 marks. Therefore, I hope i have answered correctly for all the questions i did.
Moral is do not get panic and when you see difficult questions, mark them and continue to do rest of questions. Do not waste your time on digging into depth for a single question. I would say, This is the key turning point.

• I haven’t used JsonPath at all during the exam. It was easy me to quickly used grep and some of the things could have manually looked at the resource level. It was faster than writing a query. Pls note, I just stated this, not to discourage the Jsonpath usage or your studies.
• I haven’t used any aliases. Just enabled kubectl auto complete.

Good luck!

Mumshad Mannambeth:
Congratulations @Krishan!!! Well done!

Mohamed Ayman: