This has to do with the imperative and declarative mood. I found this: <https:// . . .

Edith Puclla:
This has to do with the imperative and declarative mood. I found this:

I think a comment to a different answer better describes it:
> They do different things. kubectl create will throw an error if the resource already exists. kubectl apply won’t. The difference is that kubectl create specifically says “create this thing” whereas kubectl apply says “do whatever is necessary (create, update, etc) to make it look like this”.

Edith Puclla:
Thank you @Greg :pray:

Edith Puclla:
@DK i made a little example of create and apply here.
I create a pod with “create”, then I wanted to create another with “create” and an it doesn’t let me, then I use apply and it was possible to create another pod with another name :slight_smile: