This 24 hour wait for the result was brutal ! But atlast. Passed. Thanks every . . .

Apaar Sharma:
This 24 hour wait for the result was brutal !! But atlast. Passed. Thanks everyone for the tips and replying to my queries. And @Mumshad Mannambeth what a course :clap::raised_hands::raised_hands:!! Bought the course on 2 may, and passed it today.

Edith Puclla:
wow, congratulations, I will have my exam at the end of this month and I know just the basics things.

vikas mahajan:
Congratulations :clap::clap::clap:

vikas mahajan:
I am planning to schedule the exam tomorrow… can we schedule it anytime and appear for the test. ?? Can we book the test early in the morning … say at 3 am ?

Congratulations @Apaar Sharma :hugging_face:

> I am planning to schedule the exam tomorrow… can we schedule it anytime and appear for the test. ?? Can we book the test early in the morning … say at 3 am ?
You can schedule your exam anytime but it depends on the slot availability if slot is available at 3 AM then you can.

vikas mahajan:
Thanks for quick reply :blush:

Edith Puclla:
@vikas mahajan I scheduled from 1 to 3 AM :slightly_smiling_face:
Good Luck! :pray:

vikas mahajan: