Terrafrom security

Hello everyone!
I started to learn terrafrom three weeks ago and every step I take in this journey more I love it!

I’m looking for some information about how what is the default encription implementation on terraform in trasit comunication and so far is what I found is not clear.

My question is, when you deploy a resources on AWS for example all the comunication between the provider plugin and AWS is encrypted using https? If possible you can share hashcorp or AWS links for that?

now I’m looking how to use KMS to encrypt secrets but I want to make sure even not using KMS the in transit commutication have basic TLS encryption.

it’s over https Providers - CDK for Terraform | Terraform | HashiCorp Developer.
for the secret manger, check this useful document Terraform Registry and Terraform Registry to add the kms-id
for the km, Check this one Terraform Registry


Thank you very much!!!

With pleasure and happy learning, rreis!