Task Failed: Required cron not found for root user on stapp03

I think i did the right thing as requested from the task.
Below are the step

  1. ssh [email protected]
  2. sudo su
    3 banner@stapp03 banner#] yum install cronie
    4 banner@stapp03 banner#] systemctl start crond.service
  3. banner@stapp03 banner#] systemctl status crond.service
  4. banner@stapp03 banner#] crontab -e
  5. vi editor, then added the cron job (*/5 * * * * echo hello > /tmp/cron_text) as specified in the task
  6. Saved and exited with :wq command
  7. I ran the cron job use this command crontab -l which was successful just the stapp01 and stapp02.

Kindly check and rectify please

@whaleyboi001 I think as per question the cron was supposed to be added for root user not for banner.

I did added it for the root user as asked in question. I elevated the privilege to the super user level before adding the crown task. This was same the procedure I did for stapp01 and stapp02 which was marked as been correct. Kindly check my lab for verification

@whaleyboi001 this is what you shared and as per this you added it for banner

banner@stapp03 banner#] crontab -e
vi editor, then added the cron job (*/5 * * * * echo hello > /tmp/cron_text) as specified in the task

Also it didn’t pass for other apps, validation just failed for app01 so it didn’t check for rest of the apps.