Scp command not found error while copying banner template from Jumpbox


scp command not found error while copying banner template from Jumpbox to DB server.

PFB the screenshot


BW my task was marked as failed.


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Hello ,
I’m facing the same problem , can anybody help us ?


Please install required packages on DB server to make scp work.


which package are you talking about ? You should be more clear when providing answers .


We are not willing to share direct answers here instead we recommend you to look for solutions. You could google about the required packages that are needed to run scp command.



Thank you for the hint. Please let me know how to re-launch the task again to complete it.
I’m not seeing any option against the Banner task.


Hi Anand,

In your KKE dashboard for this particular task are you seeing Go button ? If so please click on that to proceed. If you are seeing some other status like failed or success that means you have already submitted the task by clicking finish. In that case you can not repeat the task right now however you might be reassigned this same task in near future.


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Hi Inderpreet,

Yes, I submitted and its showing Failed.

So in future if I face any issue with the task, Can I skip Task submission and report the issue community page ?

Post clearing the queries, will I get a chance to re-start the task ?




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Please archive this post.


Hi Inderpreet,

Could you please help, while I was trying to start SSHD service on the jumphost so I can opy the banner file to /etc/motd on the app and db servers, I was getting the below error.

Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted

so I copied the content of the source banner file manually by selecting it and then ssh to the app and DB server and in vi /etc/motd , I pasted the content but seems the format did not come clear, seems move towards the right and in end, received error that app1 was not done correctly.

I copied the files manually on the 3 app and 1 db server.

See attachment.

Could you please help about the error received “Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted” on the jump host and if below steps is the correct approach.

  1. Install / Enable ssh on all servers
  2. SCP the banner file from jump host to app and db servers under /etc/motd
  3. Save and exit


Hi Munjal,

Technically what you trying is correct, but I’m not sure if that operation is allowed in this lab.

Can you try to copy the “nautilus_banner” file from Jump_host to App01 server, and see if it works ?


Hi Anand,

Thanks for your reply.

I could not copy that using SCP, I was getting the error, " connection refused". You can see that in the start of the screenshot.

Then I tried to start sshd service and I get the error “Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted”.


Hi Munjal,

Per your last screenshot you have logged into App01 server and trying to copy with scp.
Instead login to Jump box and run the scp command to copy from jumpbox to App01 server.


Hi Anand,

You need not to play with with SSHD service on jump host as it should already be up. You could simply copy the banner file from jump host to the target servers. Just make sure to use correct credentials.


I had tried copying from jumphost to app1 and got connection refused… and then thought to go to target server ( app1) and then copy from source ( jumphost)… is the syntax used by me wrong…??

was getting error " port 22: Connection refused"

On the target machine ( App1)

scp -r thor@jump_host:/home/thor/nautilus_banner /etc/motd

scp < user@source:path of source file path of destination ( in this case it was the webapp01, so did not mention the name since we are running the command from webapp01 itself)

HI Munjal,

Sorry, let me correct myself, sshd service might not be running on jump host but there must be ssh client already. So you should be able to ssh/scp stuff from jump host to any other server.


Thanks for sharing the inputs. Will try again if I get the same task. Thanks.


Copy file using ssh session

ssh user@server_name " cat > /file/path/in/remote" < /file/path/in/jumpserver

@ Armand
please I don’t know what I am doing wrong here