Runtimeclass and Apparmor query

Hi Team,

Could you help me with below scenerio

  1. Runtimeclass
    There is a namespace where 3 deployment with each pods running respectively
    Here I need to introduce Runtimeclass named gvisor which needs to be reflect on all the pods. How can i update the runtimeClassName from deployment? i already tried edit/recreate pods which went failed.

  2. Apparmor
    I have a custom apparmor profile created and this is located on /etc/apparmor.d/file on a worker node.
    My task is to create a pod with apparmor profile loaded perfectly

Here I already checked the below directive.<container_name>: <profile_ref>

How can i specify the apparmor file to be load on pod perfectly.

Please advise


Hi @jayaram161989
I’m not an expert on CKS, but since this question is still outstanding, I’ll have a go.


Firstly you’ll need to ensure that gVisor is installed on all the nodes where you want to run sandboxed containers. See Installation - gVisor

Next, you need to create the RuntimeClass so kubernetes can use it.

cat << EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: RuntimeClass
  name: gvisor
handler: runsc

Now you should be able to add

   runtimeClassName: gvisor

to your pod spec.

Thank you @Alistair_KodeKloud for the answer.

I figure it out in both cases.

  1. My requirement i need to enable the Runtimeclass on Deployment.
    First create the runtimeclass and then update the Deployment as below

  2. Apparmor definition
    Simply load the apparmor profile on the specific node using “apparmor_parser -q filename”, then specify the same in the pod definition under metadata

Make sure if this is loaded " aastatus "<container_name>: <Specify_the_apparmor_profile>


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