Rolling Updates in Kunbernetes Validation error

The description task is
We have an application running on Kubernetes cluster using nginx web server. The Nautilus application development team has pushed some of the latest features to prod branch and those need be deployed. The Nautilus DevOps team has created an image nginx:1.18 with latest changes.

Perform a rolling update for this application and incorporate nginx:1.18 image. The deployment name is nginx-deployment

Make sure all pods are up and running after the update.

Note: The kubectl utility on jump_host has been configured to work with the kubernetes cluster.

I did
kubectl set image deployment/nginx-deployment nginx-container=nginx:1.18 I waited until pods change.
When I tryed to validate task no message ever appeared. I went to task again and my task have marked failed.
My uid=26366021

@elsebasan, sorry for the issue, this is marked as pending for you, please give it an another try.

Thanks you. It worked.

Hi team @Inderpreet
Same issue over here, is the third different task that i get the same issue at the end, please could you check

hi @eluctur, can you please share your KKE user datails ?

[email protected] @rahul456

@eluctur, sorry for the issue, this is marked as pending for you, please give it an another try