Provisioner matching of StorageClass


I got the question about how does StorageClass can match the provisioner?

I have completed a testing about StorageClass to create a PV on local host using the the following Yaml:
(PS: this a rancher local-path-provisioner:

I found that the provisioner is a pod named “local-path-provisioner” defined in “local-paht-storage” namespace. And for the provisioner name defined under StorageClass didn’t match with the pod name.

Could anyone explain the mechanism behind the StorageClass about matching provisioner?

Thank you.

What is the use of this image rancher/local-path-provisioner:v0.0.15 ?

it should be a provisioner which can create the PV

It’s look like over all configuration indicating for dynamic provisioning.

yes, StorageClass is the way to provision the storage dynamically. I would like to know how does the provisioner under storageclass match the the local-path provisioner pod