Pending task not visible

Hi All

I am not able to access devops tasks. There is pending task against my profile but i am not able to access it from user interface as shown in below screeshot.

@mmumshad @Tej-Singh-Rana @Ayman

I was having the same problem with three pending tasks with one being active. When I completed the active task, the pending tasks count changed to two and the next active task never arrived.

@rahul456 could you please take a look into this ?

Hello, @kedar @yethu
Can you please increase number per page so maybe you will see pending tasks?
I have also 1 pending task and I got that after 20 tasks.

I scrolled through the task list as you advised and I found that two tasks from 2020 are active. I will solve them and see what happens next.

Thank you for your help @Tej-Singh-Rana

Hello, @kedar
Your issue got resolved.