Pass CKAD today. @Mumshad Mannambeth saying thanks to you and your team would no . . .

Pass CKAD today. @Mumshad Mannambeth saying thanks to you and your team would not be enough. Following tips i follow during exam.

  1. First questions was hard for me. I just flag and start from the last. Because i need to edit yaml file. I was looking for questions that i can solve by declarative command. So i went to last questions and that one was also hard. So i tagged them and moving forward. After 4 or 5 questions tagging i found easy questions.
  2. I avoid long questions which mark is low. I straight way tagged it and move forward.
  3. In one hour i already answer half of the questions and i become more confident.
  4. I start those questions that i tagged before and mark is higher.
  5. There are two questions i found hard but mark is only 5% together. I read them once or twice but i decides not to touch because only 15 minutes left.
  6. I start checkeing the results of those questions that i answer
  7. Last but not the least. Make sure you are confident with creating configmap, secrets, pv-pvc and the way you can mount them. Lightning lab vary helpful.
  8. Read at list once|
    Good luck guys.

Congratulations @AB :hugging_face:
Thanks for sharing your exam experience.