One more query on resizing PVC. if i use command kubectl patch pvc it is showing . . .

one more query on resizing PVC. if i use command kubectl patch pvc it is showing success but if i describe that pvc it says plugin is not available to resize .do we need to create/install plugin seperatley ?

Ravi Cheetirala:
I did it using edit. it worked instantly… what is the command used for the patch?

Kubectl patch pvc mysql -p ‘{“spec”: {“resoources”:{“requests”:{“storage”: “1Gi”}}}}

Command is success only but when i verify pvc using describe command it says resizing not possible due to supported plugin not available

Harindha Fernando:
but edit command seems to be easy to implement

praveen bhat:
In exam they want you to record the change, which is not in case u edit the pvc.

praveen bhat:
You cannot resize any pvc, only the ones that are dynamically provisioned or uses a dynamic sc