Not getting the email to say a new task has arrived

Hi I was wondering if anyone else is having an issue where the email to say a task is ready is not arriving in your ibox. I checked my spam folder and also unticked my account settings but still not receiving. Anyone else having the same issue and if so is there any fix-Thanks

I am also not receiving emails. I’ve missed a task (expired) now :frowning:

Can @Ayman help us both get email working again and please reset my last missed task?

We are looking into this and will update you soon.

Thanks Mumshad, very much appreciated.

I have the same issue. I didn’t receive any email for my task assigned to me on Dec 15. I’ll keep monitoring for the issue in case it persists.

I still have received no emails for new tasks. Anything I need to do on my end?

Please make sure the these emails are not landing in your spam folder.

Hi there, thanks for the reply. Checked spam folder and no sign of any emails I’m afraid.

I also have not been receiving emails for new tasks. I checked my spam folder and have not seen any updates about my tasks. Is there something we should be doing to make sure these email alerts arrive?

@Lloyd, Did you check the subscribe option? Also, did you receive emails before?

Likewise. I’ve never actually gotten the email. The box is checked and everything.

I have subscribed, and I have never received any emails regarding the arrival of a new task.

Same promblem, no email, no spam,nothing

@lostsquirreli , we will check this and update you.