Not able to create deployment using below command:kubectl run nginx-deploy --im . . .

Manoj Padhan:
Not able to create deployment using below command:kubectl run nginx-deploy --image=nginx:1.16 --replicas=1 --record

Mohamed Ayman:
Hi Dear,
You can use —record when setting the image nginx:1.17
So Please try to use
Kubectl create deployment nginx-deploy —image=nginx:1.16 replicas=1
Then make sure it is done using
Kubectl get deployments
Kubectl set image deployment nginx-deploy nginx=nginx:1.17 —record

looks like --record won’t work with kubectl create deploy command, instead you can do this way. kubectl run nginx-deploy --image=nginx:1.16 --replicas=1 --dry-run=client -o yaml> d1.yaml . kubectl apply -f d1.yaml --record

Manoj Padhan:
will try thank you so much