Not able to access task

I am not able to access my task from the dashboard. I get this error:
Scenario not found. Please check your embedding code configuration.

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Hi @Rahul_KKumar

Can you please let us know the task name ?

Hi @Inderpreet,

It’s “Create a Linux User with non-interactive shell”

Thanks for sharing these details, could you confirm once if its still an issue as it seems to be loading fine for me.

Unfortunately it’s still not working, I have tried it in 2 different browsers - Chrome and Forefox.

I noticed this error in the browser devtools.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Let us look into it, we will get back to you asap.

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I also experienced the same issue now.

@Inderpreet the task expired and I got the same one assigned to me again, and the new one seems to be opening now.