NFS Troubleshooting - Mounting issue

Am i missing something. Please help to know why i’m getting permission issue?


Can you share your /etc/exports file contents ?


Hello, @amuthan1983
Have you ran the command exportfs -r?

Yes i have ran exportfs -r , also checked with exportfs -v and it shows desired results.

Finally working by open the share to all servers instead of 3 specific servers alone.

/app *(rw,sync,fsid=0,no_root_squash,crossmnt,no_subtree_check,no_acl)

You need to verify the syntax in the /etc/exports file on server ststor01.

  1. Verify the name of the mountpoint that is being shared. And if required do the correction there.
  2. Kindly remove the space between the ip addresses, if any.
    Correct syntax will be -
    /mountpointname ip1,ip2,ip3(option1,option2,option3…)

save this file.
And then execute exportfs -r and exportfs -a and then check with command showmount -e. Verify that nfs service is running or not. If not, then start it.
Verify that nfs service is enable at boot or not.
And if required then only install the nfs server RPM packages if not installed.

Prateek Gandhi