Need to create user with non interactive shell


I was assigned a new task to create a user with non interactive shell. I tried but it shows permission denied error in terminal. May i know the root password to complete this task?

Screenshot attached.

Muthu M.,

You have to run sudo -i to get access of the root a/c.

Check wiki page. The credentials are there. Enjoy!

Hi, I have created the user with the command in stapp01 server as follows:

ssh tony@stapp01
Password: Correct Password has been given

sudo adduser yelamarthi -s /sbin/nologin

I see " Failed". Unfortunately, I closed without screenshot as this is my first visit to KodeKloud. Can you please help me out. Here is failed screenshot:

Hi Kiran,

I think you created an user account by wrong username. By the way once you done the task, if it is correct it shows success message and the points added to your dashboard. If you give wrong solutions it shows failed message and the terminal will close automatically.

Thanks & Regards,
Muthu M.,

Hi Xzimelle,

Thanks for the details. I can able to get the credentials from KodeKloud wiki page.

Thanks & Regards,
Muthu M.,