Need help. Can someone comment the emptyDir answer for Mock Exam 2. I created . . .

Bryan Tanoue:
Need help. Can someone comment the emptyDir answer for Mock Exam 2. I created the volumeMount and then used the volume with emptyDir: {} I did based on the kubernetes documentation and when I look at the describe it looks correct and I see the volume mounted on /data and type is emptyDir. What am I doing wrong?

Mohamed Ayman:
If you mean question 2 in mock exam 2
Please try this YAML file

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: redis-storage

  • name: redis
    image: redis:alpine
    • name: redis-storage
      mountPath: /data/redis
  • name: redis-storage
    emptyDir: {}

Image from iOS.jpg

Bryan Tanoue:
Thank You. I think I did that and it won’t pass.

Bryan Tanoue:
But I’ll try yours next time to see.