@Mumshad Mannambeth @Vijin Palazhi in the section Validating and Mutating Admiss . . .

Abdul Majid:
@Mumshad Mannambeth @Vijin Palazhi in the section Validating and Mutating Admission Controllers ,While createting a validating webhook configuration object, how do we get to know what the name should be in weebhooks->name section ? is it the same name as in Metada->name? or it can be any name? pls clarify

Vijin Palazhi:
this has to be a domain - in this example - http://pod-policy.example.com|pod-policy.example.com but this can be (in theory) set to any domain name, however in practice its best to give it an appropriate domain name.

For example, if using an external server use the FQDN to identify the server,

If it is deployed within the cluster, provide the domain name of the svc <service-name>.<namespace>.svc (this is used in the lab following this lecture, so please check it out)

Abdul Majid:
ok thanks @Vijin Palazhi so this has to be FQDN of the webhook server(in case of external deployment of webhook server) and <service-name>.<namespace>.svc of the webhook server(in case if the webhook server is deployed internally with in the k8’s cluster) .

Vijin Palazhi:
yes, that will work. But theoretically the way it is now you can give any domain name here and it should still work.