- Make sure to replace all the occurences of 'or' to 'them'

I did the complete the task not sure why?

forgot to take the screenshot. please let me know

  • Make sure to replace all the occurences of ‘or’ to ‘them’ in ‘/home/BSD_REPLACE.txt’ on stapp02 .

Hi @mani007

This is the final sed command you used.

and you definitely missed some of the occurrences, like this

HI @Inderpreet

Thanks for the response. In the question it mentioned that the letter and the example made me unclear. But maybe you can make the question little bit more clear. If the question was clear i would have done the following.



Hi @mani007
what does this say “<or>” , can you please explain or redirect me on some blog please?

Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial word boundaries