Linux Nginx As Reverse Proxy Task

Is it 5000 proxy_pass; your Apache port ??

After running
systemctl start nginx
journalctl -xe | grep emerg
To get exactly what the problem is

I am having the same issues, any input here guys ??

any luck with this ?

@Ayman, @kodekloud-support3 Same my task is failed, but as per result I done correctly everything.

As per my understanding of the question, reverse proxy is configured successfully and both nginx and apache servers are running.

Hello Devops503/Everyone,

Can you please help me in resloving nginx reverse proxy task.Please correct me where am doing wrong my nginx config file,proxy file and the error


@sreedhar I see there is a syntax error with the setting “client_max_body_size”. The value is “10 m” instead “10m”. Try removing the space and see.

Thanks Salim.Unfortunately task expired ,will try again when i get assigned

Step By Step Solution for Beginners: Linux Nginx as Reverse Proxy KodeKloud

Hi @devops503,

Thanks for the answer. Just wondering, since nginx has been pointing all port 8095 request to 6000, do we still need to specify the root location for httpd? Is it default setting once httpd is installed?


sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install nginx