Linux Firewalld Setup -may 30

Hi Team,

I followed all the steps in all 3 server .I got below error .

nginx service on App Server 1 is not reachable.As per the attachment it is listening on port 8098.

Hi @Inderpreet @Ayman @kodekloud @kodekloud-support3

Kindly update the status.


Hi @Inderpreet @Ayman @kodekloud @kodekloud-support3

Kindly update the status.


@dineshtobe You had to add appropriate firewall rules to make sure Nginx is reachable from other hosts like jump host, load balancer etc. Did you test it to make sure Nginx is reachable ?

Hi @Inderpreet

I did the same attached snapshot already.

I also faced the same error. Do we need to configure the nginx in some way???
I am attaching the screenshots of my work, kindly let me know where I went wrong.
@Inderpreet @Tej-Singh-Rana @admins @Goldenor


@dineshtobe in the screenshot you shared seems like nginx was not reachable from app server 1 from jump host which is the reason for this task failure.

@dinesh you need to make sure nginx service is accessible from other hosts like jump host if not then you need to figure out what’s the issue.

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after applying the changes, u have to test them with curl like that:

from LB server :
curl nginxserv in that case stapp01 :
curl stapp01:{nginx port} == > must be OK
curl stapp01:{httpd port} == > must be OK
from Jump server :
curl stapp01:{nginx port} == > must be OK
curl stapp01:{httpd port} == > must be KO

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