LFCS Mock Exam 1, Possible Errors?

I emailed this as well, but I feel there’s a mistake on two of the questions in the mock exam. And/or I’d like to discuss the correct answers according to the test on kodekloud:

One question asks to assign a user “jane” a hard limit of only 30 processes.
According to the test, the correct answer is:

@jane hard nproc 30

However, according to the man pages, @jane would be to specify a limit for a GROUP, not a USER.
i.e. I argue the correct answer should be:

jane hard nproc 30

On another question, we are asked to create swap space on a newly-created disk partition and add it to /etc/fstab. Fine…

The correct answer according to the test is:

sudo mkswap /dev/vdb1
sudo swapon /dev/vdb1

This might be more of a technicality, but “technically” swapon is turning on the new swap space and doesn’t have anything to do with creating it or adding it to /etc/fstab… ?

I feel what’s actually correct is

sudo mkswap /dev/vdb1

Any thoughts from anyone else on this? Why am I wrong, or am I correct in believing this?

Hi @matthewyounger33,
Thanks for your feedback. I will check and will fix asap.


Hi @matthewyounger33 ,
We have fixed/updated those questions.

KodeKloud Support

not really
I did it like jane hard nproc 30 and It failed…