Lab: unable to edit pg_hba.conf properly for troubleshoot developement environment

Everything is working as expected now. I have just finished the task. I’ll post back if I come across any more issues. Thanks!!

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This thing even didn’t worked for me. As a work around I had to use ‘echo’ command along with redirection to append to the file. You can use that for now.


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Hi @arp,

It’s still not working for you? Have you tried in the last few hours?


Yes, I just did few hours back only.
I had to use echo, or else was not able to edit using vim at all.


Hello, arp
Did you use “sudo”? If you are trying from normal user to change the configuration file. Might be the reason, you are not able to edit.

Yes, I did use sudo.
What is happening is that after entering insert mode in vi, I t exits you to command mode automatically. and when I try to go up and down to edit the file it start to delete last line and some other things.

In that question we just had to append 1 line at the end of the file so I used

echo “line which I wanted to insert”>>/etc/filename.

It was completed for me. It would be great for future learners if this gets fixed.


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