Lab : Terraform providers : Type of providers


In lab : terrafrom provider there are 2 questions 10 and 11 which are expecting to find out the type of the provider .

viz . Linode and ansible

Both are provided with respective URLs on the website but how to find out the type of these providers from the websites ?

whether they are Official / Verified or community ?

with best regards
Pradeep Nehe

Hello, @ppnehe
You can find from here:


I visited this website . The lab is asking question for 2 providers linode and ansible

When it comes to linode we can see it as verified provider from this link

But when it comes to ansible how to find out the type of provider even from this link ?

From above 2 links I am not able to make out the type of the provider for ansible . Whether it is Official / Verified or community.

Hence the question .

with best regards
Pradeep Nehe

Thanks a lot for your quick support and guidance.
Really appreciated such quick turnaround and the way you have posted picture here.

It makes understanding clear and very simple for a beginner

with best regards
Pradeep Nehe