Lab: Linux Bash Prompt

Question : 2 in this exercise is about switching to bourne shell from bash shell. The password was given as “caleston123”.
i always get " PAM: Authentication failure" when trying to switch shells. Could you please explain this error.

Even the solution says to try with “sudo chsh -s /bin/sh bob” but still fails with following error

bob@caleston-lp10:~$ sudo chsh -s /bin/sh bob
chsh: PAM: Authentication failure

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Hello @satya.ravi91,
sudo command should be working as you see in the attached gif.
change root

Can you please try again using the sudo command or try to change the user to root sudo su and then execute the command?

KodeKloud Support

I’m getting a similar error…the suggested solution in gif isnt working either.

solution worked
first use : sudo su
the enter the password
then use this command
sudo chsh -s /bin/sh bob

but i would like to know the logic behind the solution :pray:

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Hello @manojreddy5550,
Normal users can not execute high-level tasks so you need to usesudo before the command.

Same happens to me
but sometimes it’s working and sometimes it’s not working