Kubernetes Time Check Pod marked failed

This issue was missed somehow earlier and recently came into notice so its already been reported. We are working on it already.

@neroxxpips you should have today’s task already.

Good to hear can i get those two missing tasks with one for today as well ?
You can look for detail in link I attached.

Got it, thanks for the support.

@Inderpreet, Same thing also happened to me. I didnt get my regular task when @rahul456 maked success of my “time check pod” task. I got the new task after 24 hours after making old task success.

@Inderpreet, @Ayman, @rahul456,

Getting following error, not sure what I did wrong , can you check and let me know ?



hi @dwi256 did you get your today’s task ?

Hi @rahul456,

No, I received it yesterday 16/08 14:03 CET. I completed the task tis afternoon 17/08.



hi @dwi256, this is marked pending for you, please give it an another try.

HI @dwi256, you should have a new assigned task now.

Hi @rahul456,

Thanks. Task marked as success now. :grinning:

I attempted this task now and at the end the FINISH and TRY LATER both options didn’t work for me. And finally, it marked as failed for me once i refresh the page. @rahul456 can you please help on this.
My KKE is Mohamed Ihsan

I have done it through review. My execution is succeeded but unfortunately, I miss half marks due to the technical error.
I have one concern, Is the “TIME_FREQ” variable intended to limit the output? In my case (and I see on others as well) the output continues yet the task was a success. Is it correct? Or are we missing any?

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could you please check the same for me… It marked failed, though i have created a mentioned resources.

yaml file for config map and pod:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
creationTimestamp: null
name: time-config
namespace: nautilus

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
creationTimestamp: null
run: time-check
name: time-check
namespace: nautilus

  • name: log-volume
    emptyDir: {}
  • command:
    • /bin/sh
    • -c
    • “while true; do date; sleep $TIME_FREQ;done >> /opt/security/time/time-check.log”
      image: busybox:latest
      name: time-check
      • configMapRef:
        name: time-config
    • name: log-volume
      mountPath: /opt/security/time
      resources: {}
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: Always
      status: {}

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Hi @haunshila

Seems like you have already completed your task.

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Hi @Inderpreet @rahul456
C’mon! It’s not fair! What’s happening with engineering? It’s the second time when happening to me. Please mark valid my job and recover my good works row.

hi @dumitru.dinca, thanks for reporting, we are working on this, please be patience.

Hi @rahul456, please let me know if the problems are solved.
Thank You!

Hi @dumitru.dinca

Unfortunately the issue still exits, but we are trying to fix it asap. We will update once fixed.

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