Kubernetes Redis Deployment: Task failed

@rahul456 @Inderpreet

My task failed with the message “Config map” data maxmemory is not set to2mb"

From the screenshot it clearly can be seen that configmap correctly set the value in Redis config - maxmemory is properly set to 2mb:

Hi @Nautilus,

What did you configured under the deployment manifest spec.template.spec.volumes for redis-config?

And what was your configmap config? Did you used imperative command?

@Inderpreet @Ayman @mmumshad @rahul456

Any updates on this?


My task got failed with the same reason. Did you found the issue?

Task Status - Failed
Config Map data maxmemory is not set to 2mb

Also I checked and confirmed that the maxmemory was defined as requested.

Config Map:

thor@jump_host ~$ kubectl describe cm redis-config
Name:         redis-config
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
maxmemory 2mb
Events:  <none>

Verified the same using redis-cli inside the running pod.

thor@jump_host ~$ kubectl exec -it redis-deployment-6744b7d8df-4lgsc -- redis-cli info

# Memory

@Inderpreet @mmumshad @rahul456 @kodekloud-support3 Can you please respond and check this issue?

Hello, kleansoul
Can you tell me why you added redis.conf under data of configmap?

Hi @Tej-Singh-Rana

There are different ways to configure a configMap. I used the same method which I used in Game of Pods redis config. Did you find something incorrect?

Thanks for replying!

Yeah, that’s correct. But in this scenario we just need to add data in simple format. We can do by two ways :–
kubectl create cm redis-config --from-literal=maxmemory=2mb

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
    name: redis-config
   maxmemory: 2mb

and add into the volumes configmap. We don’t need to import data into a file.

You can see details with help of this command.
kubectl explain pod.spec.volumes.configMap

I get that can be another way of configmap using literal. But if nothing is wrong in my way of configmap which I verified too with the redis-cli command check, then I guess the validation should have worked.

Awaiting for KKE Team to respond and confirm.

@kleansoul @Nautilus Can you please share your KKE username ?

@Inderpreet Thanks for replying.

I have completed the task successfully.

What about my daily scheduled task which is supposed to come? Will it affect due to this?

@kleansoul should you have a new task in your bucket till now and its not there ?


Yes I havn’t received the task which I was supposed to receive by now.
Please check into this and assign the task accordingly.

@kleansoul you should have one.

@Inderpreet Yes received one now. Thanks!

@Inderpreet I have also not received a new task today after completing the Redis task.

@Nautilus you should have one now.

@Inderpreet didn’t received yet. please check.

@Nautilus what is your email ID ?

@Inderpreet please check your messages.