Kubectl run redis --image redis123 --dry-run=client -o yaml>list

what exactly does this command do? I ran and nothing happened

Hello, @Sidd
> kubectl run redis --image redis123 --dry-run=client -o yaml > redis.yaml
It will create a manifest file for pod redis.
and we used redirect (>) symbol to store that content into redis.yaml file.
If you don’t wanna store and wanna see difference then do without redirection symbol :

kubectl run  redis --image redis123 --dry-run=client -o yaml  

Hi @Tej_Singh_Rana ,
what does ‘-o’ in the command signify here…?
and do we set image name using --image flag …?

Hello @sonal.kumar98
Yes, we set the image name by using the --image flag.
and -o stands for output.
suppose you created a pod for nginx image and you wanna see complete outputs of that pod then use the -o flag: -

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
kubectl get po nginx -oyaml

you can get output in yaml or in json.
We explained very well in the pod lecture.

What does the parameter --dry-run=client signifies?