Kubeadm upgrade apply seems to take a lot of time, is it the case even in CKA ex . . .

kubeadm upgrade apply seems to take a lot of time, is it the case even in CKA exam?

Fernando Jimenez:
I would not upgrade. I would just try to install the requested version of kubeadm. If it complains that it doesn’t have it, then update the cache so it can find the version you need. After that install normally. It doesn’t make any sense to upgrade the whole operating system packages.

and when you say update the cache… are you talking about the below code in orange??

apt update
apt-cache madison kubeadm

find the latest 1.21 version in the list

it should look like 1.21.x-00, where x is the latest patch

I am talking about upgrading cluster not upgrading kubeadm

kubeadm upgrade or install doesnt seem to take much time, but upgrading cluster through kubeadm seems to take a lot of time

Fernando Jimenez:
@Joe apt update

Madhan Kumar:
Yes cluster upgrade takes time …