Kodekloud Playground error

I was not able to create VM in Azure. You should specify which VMs are allowed in the subscription. The access policy was blocking my VM creation process.

I’m attaching error code–

{“code”:“DeploymentFailed”,“message”:“At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see Deployment history - Azure Resource Manager | Microsoft Learn for usage details.”,“details”:[{“code”:“RequestDisallowedByPolicy”,“message”:“Resource ‘firstvm_OsDisk_1_8a9f9001ac46475bbbc80d19c279c1b9’ was disallowed by policy. Policy identifiers: '… (Code: RequestDisallowedByPolicy)”,“policyDetails”:[]}]}

you should list out what things are allowed.
Also I’m not able to submit feedback at the end of the playground

Hello, @anurag
Sorry for this inconvenience. Can you please take a look at our playground support page?


Let me know if it’s resolved your queries.

what Operating systems are allowed. I want to create windows 2016 gen2 vm, but the deployment failed.

Hi! Typically, only Linux based OS are allowed in the playgrounds (Windows is based on the paid license), not only here in KodeKloud. My suggestion is to use Ubuntu for all kinds of DevOps tasks =)

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