Kodekloud Engineer Task - Linux LogRotate

There is a problem with the description of this task (see below) it talks about retain them for a maximum of 3 weeks and configure httpd logs rotation to monthly and keep only 3 rotated So weekly and monthly have gotten mixed up. In the error it also mentions weekly. Also haproxy requires continuous reviews although the logrotate configuration file has be correctly configured. I know that one has configure haproxy to generate logs with rsyslog, but that would make the task more complicated than for httpd or squid. I have also suggested to one user how to configure haproxy for rsyslog which he subsequently did but the task was still marked wrong.

The Nautilus DevOps team is ready to launch a new application, which they will deploy on app servers in Stratos Datacenter . They are expecting significant traffic/usage of httpd on app servers after that. This will generate massive logs, creating huge log files. To utilise the storage efficiently, they need to compress the log files and retain them for a maximum of 3 weeks. Check the requirements shared below:

a. In all app servers install httpd package.

b. Using logrotate configure httpd logs rotation to monthly and keep only 3 rotated.

(If by default log rotation is set, then please update configuration as needed)

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I reported this task as faulty 2 weeks ago, I don’t think anyone ever reads the reports. Since this would be a two minute fix.

Customer Support and QA in general is the worst I’ve ever seen in a subscription based service at this price.


There are threads that reach back to November about this task and they still didn’t do anything.

Hello, @ulihorn @Patric-Hoffmann
Sorry for this inconvenience caused. Somehow I missed it. I will check and get back to you.
Thanks for your cooperation.


Hello, @ulihorn
As per your feedback, we have updated the question and now we got a couple of reports about validation issues with haproxy.

Our engineers are looking into it. Thanks for your patience.


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It seems the issue still persists. I attempted the assignment, literally following the instructions and it was marked as faulty.

Hi @tsluyter ,
I marked this task pending for you. Let me check with the KKE team.
If you get a “haproxy” in the question then please restart the lab to get a new one.

KodeKloud Support

This issue has been fixed.
