Kloud Engineer script issue

I think there may be an issue with this task in KodeKloud engineer. The task is the following: I need to create a script on app server 3, in the /scripts/ folder, that zips up a directory’s content to a file in /backup
Then it needs to copy over the zip file to /backup on the backup server.
I used ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id to copy over the ssh keys. I verified the script, when run, makes the zip file with all the contents, then copies them over to the backup server. Then I went and unzipped them from the backup server to confirm the files were now there. Not sure what I’m doing wrong, as the script has +x for all users.

  • ‘xfusioncorp_news.zip’ not found under ‘/backup’ on Backup Server

Hi @putman.patrick ,
Please share this failed task under the “Review” section and paste the review URL here.


Thank you!

Hi @putman.patrick ,

d. Please make sure script won’t ask for password while copying the archive file. Additionally, the respective server user (for example, tony in case of App Server 1 ) must be able to run it.

Please check this point.
I see you are adding lines in the script file ( news_backup.sh) from the root user which will create an issue for the tony user (app01 server).

ah I see, I was setting the +x so anyone could run it, but didn’t think about that. Can you mark it as reviewed somehow so I can try the task again?

Please accept my comment. I replied there too.