Jenkins multistage pipeline -failed

Hi Rahul , everything seems to be working fine.

but got failure message

  • Seems like you Test stage is incorrect in ‘deploy-job’ pipeline job

@lavanya, can you please share (DM ) your pipeline script and video ?

may i know your mail Id to send the video

@lavanya, you can DM me here as well.

i have sent the videos and pipeline to you

@lavanya, this is marked pending for you, please give it an another try.

Hi @lavanya

Test stage in your pipeline script is invalid. The Test stage is supposed to test and confirm if you have deployed the correct changes on the servers but your test stage is just simply running the curl command without any logic to test and make sure if correct changes are deployed. So in any case your Test stage will pass, even if you deploy the incorrect changes its going to pass which is logically incorrect and that’s the reason your task failed.

I hope it clears your doubts, please let us know if you still have any questions.

HI Inderpreet
so I need to check the index.html code which I have deployed in the deploy stage in Test stage . Is that
I supposed to do along with curl. But do I need to check only for ’ Welcome to the Xfusion Industries ’

pls make my task pending I will try again

@rahul456, @Inderpreet

I am using below declarative script for multstage pipeline. My stage one is success and i am trying to check the status in post condition but i am getting error. Kindly let me know what mistake i am doing.
def res = ‘false’
pipeline {
agent { label ‘ststor01’ }
stages {
stage(‘Deploy’) {
steps {
sh ‘echo Bl@kW | cp /home/sarah/web/* /data/’
post {
success {
sh res = ‘true’
stage(‘Test’) {
steps {
script {
if (res == “true”) {
sh ‘echo Deployment Success’
} else {
sh ‘exit 1’

@rahul456, @Inderpreet

Kindly reply to my query. I am struck in this task for long days

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hi @nithyaks, can you please share (DM) pipeline script and the solution video ?


Please find the scrip i used. I am unable to record using loom.

def tes = ‘false’
pipeline {
agent { label ‘ststor01’ }
stages {
stage(‘Deploy’) {
steps {
sh ‘echo Bl@kW | cp /home/sarah/web/* /data/’
sh ‘echo ${tes}’
post {
success {
tes = “true”
sh ‘echo ${tes}’
stage(‘Test’) {
steps {
script {
if(tes == ‘true’) {
sh ‘http://stlb01:80
sh ‘echo Deployment Success’
} else {
sh ‘Deployment failed’
sh ‘exit 1’

Hi @nithyaks

There seems to be multiple issues with your pipeline script .
In the Deploy stage steps you are echoing sudo password but you haven’t used sudo with the cp command also the wildcard i.e * might not work there, you may need to use script instead.

In the Test stage under else section seems like you missed to use echo in the first command i.e sh ‘Deployment failed’

Thanks for the suggestion. I have modified the script. wildcard working. Issue is with post check. After adding script it worked. After struggling for 10 days i got my task success. Thanks again.

@lavanya, seems like you have already completed your task.

yes Rahul .It was 10 days back. probably you didn’t check the msg that time. Thanks for responding.

There’s a Jenkins course on KodeKloud?