Is there any imperative command to update the deployment strategy from RollingUp . . .

Tanumoy Ghosh:
Is there any imperative command to update the deployment strategy from RollingUpdate to Recreate

Question from Rolling Updates and Rollbacks lab:

Change the deployment strategy to Recreate

Do not delete and re-create the deployment. Only update the strategy type for the existing deployment.

Tanumoy Ghosh:
Edited the yaml in the runtime
• Modified type to Recreate
• Removed the portion - rollingUpdate:
Deployment seems to be applied but new pods didn’t come up, so that means there is no change in replicaset due to change in strategy type of deployment

Is the above right approach ?

Mohamed Ayman:
you should replace

maxSurge: 25%
maxUnavailable: 25%
type: RollingUpdate

type: Recreate