IO Redirection - Command Line Pipes


In Linux Basics Course - IO Redirection - Command Lines Pipes I have following query

There is file smple.txt which does not have word Hello but it does have hello with h as small.

So when we grep Hello sample.txt ( without use of -i ) is it possible that the grep will return result as Hello as shown in this example ?

My view is the way shown in this example Hello There ! will not come as output of grep command
Kindly correct me if I am missing anything.

with best regards
Pradeep Nehe

@ppnehe , This screenshot will explain how grep works in a different manner.

Yes Sir ,

I have understood your example and use of -i which ignores the case .
My view is in the course the sample.txt file does not contain Hello with capital H .

Hence even if we use -i still Hello will not be printed as this file contains only small h .

Please correct me if I am missing anything.

with best regards
Pradeep Nehe

@ppnehe , grep with i option is to ignore the case( whether it is capital or small letter ).