Install and configure SFTP tasks

Solution for the beginners: Install And Configure SFTP Kodekloud

Hello, @shawon10
Providing a solution is not a good way to learn.


The description and validation on this task seem incorrect/incomplete.

Setting root:root ownership and 755 permissions on /var/www/<folder> does not allow sftp uploading, which seems like a reasonable use case. The question does not define whether uploading and or downloading is a requirement. I attempted this task 3 times and only passed when I used the strict download-only permissions.

I would recommend stating that /var/www/<folder> should not allow uploads but that /var/www/<folder>/uploads should allow uploads for the one user.

Honestly it would also be better to set this up requiring the use of groups (instead of just one user), which is a very common use case, and is cleaner in /etc/ssh/sshd_config since you don’t have to define every single sftp user.