Install and Configure PostgreSQL - Task failed!

I have got this failed after following all the steps correctly. Could you please look into this and advise ? @Inderpreet @rahul456 @Ayman @mmumshad @satyasamala

Here are the screenshots!

Hello, @jsripad
You can visit this post.

I think failure cause is you encrypted password into md5sum. which was not required.

Thank you for your response @Tej-Singh-Rana. Just wanted to know how can I do this task without encrypting the password ? I have gone through a lot of kodekloud threads for help about this task. In some threads ppl followed the same steps and posted as a successful solution which is a bit misleading.

@jsripad We can mark it Pending for you, please read the question/instructions carefully before performing the task, with time we may change questions a bit so solutions from old discussions might not work as it is.
Before that could you please let us know if you got your today’s task assigned?

Thank you @Inderpreet for your response. I did not get my task for today just yet.

@jsripad This is marked Pending for you and you should also have today’s task assigned.

Thank you @Inderpreet. Appreciate your help.

Thank you @Inderpreet and @Tej-Singh-Rana . I got this task successfull. For those who are looking for help regarding this task, below are the steps worked for me.


Install and Configure PostgreSQL
The Nautilus application development team has shared that they are planning to deploy one newly developed application on Nautilus infra in Stratos DC. The application uses PostgreSQL database, so as a pre-requisite we need to set up PostgreSQL database server as per requirements shared below:

a. Install and configure PostgreSQL database on Nautilus database server.

b. Create a database user kodekloud_tim and set its password to B4zNgHA7Ya.

c. Create a database kodekloud_db8 and grant full permissions to user kodekloud_tim on this database.

d. Make appropriate settings to allow all local clients (local socket connections) to connect to the kodekloud_db8 database through kodekloud_tim user using md5 method (Please do not try to encrypt password with md5sum).

e. At the end its good to test the db connection using these new credentials from root user or server’s sudo user.

ssh [email protected] -----> Sp!dy
sudo su ----> Sp!dy

yum install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib
postgresql-setup initdb
systemctl enable postgresql && sudo systemctl start postgresql
systemctl status postgresql

sudo -u postgres psql postgres

CREATE DATABASE kodekloud_db8;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE “kodekloud_db8” to kodekloud_tim;


sudo vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

local all all md5
host all all md5

sudo vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf

uncheck # infront of listen_address=localhost

sudo systemctl restart postgresql
sudo systemctl status postgresql.service

To test:

psql -U kodekloud_tim -d kodekloud_db8 -h -W


psql -U kodekloud_tim -d kodekloud_db8 -h localhost -W

@jsripad Its not a good practice to post answers here :slight_smile: Let others brush up their skills.


it does not work like that. This is a game of memory and not intelligence just like chess.

even at work place you get instructions from company / project wiki made by developers to follow and also one has seniors to mentor. when you repeat the same activity again and again its when you get polished. one can never learn through instincts or pure intelligence. its just not made up like that.